Saturday, 13 February 2016

Ok Go and Parabolas

If you haven't seen Ok Go's new music video of their song "Upside Down & Inside Out", definitely watch it first:  Ok Go-Upside Down & Inside Out

I am so excited to show this behind the scenes to my gr 11 math class (when I teach gr 10 again, I'll definitely be showing this video as well. Actually, I'll show this video to any grade!) and the role of a parabola in creating zero gravity. One of my favourite things about Ok Go is that I think they really want to inspire people to be creative and aren't afraid to talk the math and science behind their videos, and not just focus on "oh, look we made a cool video". 

I always show Ok Go music videos to my students and find that it really helps me with the process of inspiring my students to consider the sciences. (ex/ Ok Go worked with people who worked with NASA for their Rube Goldberg Machine "This Too Shall Pass" music video. You can read more about their involvement here)

But I also emphasize with my students that the beauty of what Ok Go does shows that with the combination of art and math/science, you can create something amazing. So no matter what type of work field and whatever path of education you choose, it is needed for every day life and a part of society.

I also like to talk about Andy Ross (guitarist) and how he started off as an engineer and in computer science and that even though now he's in this band, he also makes game apps as well. He's such a great example of how diverse anyone can be.

Ok Go is a great inspiration in music, maths, sciences and especially to me.  

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